
Hi, this is Dr Carriero and the cases presented here are some of the more common foot conditions that I treat and certainly not all of what I see or am comfortable treating.  Many foot problems I see do not require surgery or are surgery of soft tissue: tendon, ligament, ganglions, neuroma, etc. and can not be presented by before and after x-rays.  All the cases in the site are actually cases which I performed.  I did not want to publish a website where I have pictures or x-rays from books or outside sources.  I want this site to represent what it is I actually do.

I hope this provides with additional information about a foot problem you or a loved one may be experiencing.


Common Foot Problems

Calcaneal Fracture
Flat Foot
Hallux Rigidus
Hallux Varus
Joint Replacement 1st MPJ
Jones Fracture
Lisfranc Injury
Metatarsal Fractures
Metatarsalgia/Plantar Plate Repair
Moderate Bunion: Austin-Akin
Morton’s Neuroma
Plantar Fasciitis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Severe Bunion: Opening Base Wedge Osteotomy
Tailor’s Bunion
Turf Toe